Our Structure
The administration and funding of KBT exemplifies the groundswell of human kindness that exists, like an aura, around KBT and its location at Kalutara. Kalutara is a town through which one passes along the journey from Colombo to all towns along the Southern coast and has become a ritual stop for all those passing through. From truck driver to cyclist, from limousine to humble pedestrian, people from all walks of life regardless of their culture, religion or economic status, all stop to make an offering at the roadside tills of the Kalutara Bōdhi before continuing on their way.
Many sizeable donations are made by individuals that are of course vital to the work of KBT. Nonetheless, it is the collective contributions of the masses through the road-side tills that truly encapsulate the very essence of the Kalutara Bōdhi Trust.
The administrative make up of KBT is also a primary contributing factor to its success. The Trustees are all eminent lay persons – businessmen, lawyers and professionals who function purely in an honorary capacity. Each one networks with like-minded members of the community who are then exposed to the compelling humanitarian work of KBT. This creates an important support base that assists KBT in its numerous projects. As evident from the descriptions of KBT’s key projects, KBT works only with responsible, accredited bodies and institutions which ensure that its recipients derive
benefits that are effective and efficiently managed.
The Kalutara Bōdhi Trust is one of the best administered and most credible humanitarian agencies in Sri Lanka today. It has a truly open door policy in relation to caring, sharing and empowering of the impoverished and marginalised sectors of our community – it matters not where they come from, nor their race nor creed.
KBT is honoured to have the opportunity to help and serve all those that are in need of upliftment, to set them on their feet through empowerment and share in the pride of transformed and productive lives.